Sunday, October 26, 2014

Is Blood Really the Strongest Bond to All?

'Gunman at Washington state school targeted his cousins, relative says'
By:Chelsea J. Carter, Andreas Preuss and Ben Brumfield
Source: CNN News
     A couple of days ago, there was a terrifying shooting in a school cafeteria in Washington State. Witnesses said the teenage gunman was Jaylen Fryberg, who happens to be a cousin of two of the wounded students. Four students were left wounded and one female student was dead, along with Fryberg. The grandfather of one of the wounded, Nate Hatch, said his grandson and Fryberg were very close, nearly inseparable. “Only God knows what escalated this. Only God knows. Nobody pushed a button with bullying. It’s just something that happened, and we don’t know why”, Hatch said (1). The authorities have yet to publicly identify the shooter (not only based off witnesses) and the female student that were killed. The shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to the police. The two girls and two boys that were wounded are now in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) in hospitals in Seattle and Everett.

     Jordan Luton was finishing lunch in the cafeteria when he hears a loud bang. He saw Fryberg approach a table and fire about six bullets into the backs of them. “They were his friends, so it wasn’t just random” (1). It was very difficult for Luton to make sense of this shooting. He says the day before, Fryberg was perfectly fine at their football practice, and then the day of the shooting, he was horrible. Another witness, Rachel Heichel says she was sitting a few tables away and was alarmed when she heard gun shots and turned to find Fryberg as the shooter. “When I saw him, I was like, ‘Oh my God, that’s Jaylen.’ I would have never expected it to be him, out of all people” she said (1). Many students were outraged that Fryberg could have done such a thing, due to his usual happy mood. The students could not confirm that he was ever bullied, but according to Luton, Fryberg had gotten into a fight two weeks prior do to a “racist comment”.
     According to this article, 2 out of 4 of the students that were wounded were related to Fryberg. I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of pain, grief, and betrayal these two boys feel. I suppose sometimes even blood is not a strong enough bond for some..


  1. It is crazy to see what one racist comment can cause a person do. Talar, you did an amazing job constructing your post in a way that makes the topic clear. I would recommend you to refrain from using first person in your essay in order to make your post more professional and less biased.

  2. I agree with you one hundred percent Talar. Fantastic topic you chose to express your thoughts about. Blood is not the strongest bond anymore, in my opinion. So many people who are not blood related would take a bullet for each other while some individuals whom are blood related would not. Once again, you picked an extremely intriguing topic.

  3. This world is such a dangerous place and hearing about news like this makes me appreciate the safe environment I am part of. Family in my opinion should always be safe and the thought of holding a gun towards them is just crazy. Great topic, very clearly written, and nicely researched. Fantastic job.

  4. Wow, this article left me at a loss of words. Its crazy and terrifying to hear about situations like this. I loved the title of your blog and how you connected it to the article. You clearly described the event that occurred and I can tell you have put a large amount of time into researching the topic. Amazing job!

  5. Wow, this article leaves me completely speechless. It is insane to think that a person could commit such acts to anybody, let alone their own family. Just think what kind of a world we live in that this could happen. Half of the victims were related to him. That is insane to think about. Also all witnesses said that they would not believe a person like him would do this. Think about all the people that seem perfectly fine but could be having thoughts like the ones he had when he committed this crime. Please never think about hurting your cousins Talar!

  6. Wow, Talar this was an amazing and intriguing post! It is heartbreaking to read things like this but it is absolutely mind boggling how one can hold a gun toward their own family. I do agreed with what you have to say, however I agree with Davit I also think you should try to avoid using first person. Spectacular post Talar!
