Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

               In order for an advertisement to be effective and relevant to the audience, it should contain at least two out of the three following appeals-- logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos is anything logical; something that uses evidence or examples. Ethos is anything ethical, with morals. Lastly, pathos is anything that is able to toy with the audience’s emotions, and is the most effective and important if I were the audience.  

               The following advertisement is something that would definitely affect me if I were to see it on a billboard. It shows a crying child that was emotionally hurt by another’s words. The logos  is presented with the ‘hand of words’ that is wrapped around the child’s neck. It indicates that, although they are just words and nothing physical, they can hurt just as much as physical abuse can. The pathos is the heartbreaking expression on the child’s face; the big, red eyes and the tears show the pain the child is experiencing. Just a look at him, and anyone would want to wrap their arms around him to comfort him. The ethos is presented with the quote next to the boy that states “Your words have power, use them wisely”.

               This advertisement is highly effective. It, not only makes the audience aware of the power of words, but also the effect the words can have on a person, especially a child. The strongest appeal in this advertisement is definitely pathos. The message of the ad is clearly shown by just one quote and a picture and yet, it would be able to reach out to so many people.

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