Sunday, September 14, 2014

Am I Talar or Aquamarine?

Ice cream solves so many problems. A person can eat it while in any mood, and it will make them feel better instantly. Chocolate ice cream is the most effective for someone like me who has an extreme addiction to chocolate; I’m talking “eat spoonfuls of Nutella out of the jar then wash it down with chocolate milk” kind of addiction. But when it comes to ice cream, just a plain chocolate flavor does not do the trick for me. My favorite ice cream flavor is called Phish Food. It is a heavenly combination of chocolate ice cream, caramel and marshmallow swirls, and fish-shaped chocolate pieces. This unique ice cream flavor is considered ‘too sweet’ or ‘heavy on the stomach’ to most people, but it is just perfect for my sweet tooth.

Whether I am in a giddy, happy mood, or upset and sad over boys, this ice cream flavor always does the trick for me. I am not one to eat out of sadness- I usually lose my appetite- but if I was offered a carton of this ice cream, it would be gone in the matter of minutes. Just the thought of the rich, creamy chocolate, mixed in with the smooth, thick marshmallow and caramel swirls and crunchy chocolate fish causes me to lick my lips and stomach growl in hunger. As the heartbroken mermaid says in the movie Aquamarine while eating this ice cream, as long as I have Ben & Jerry in my life, I do not need any other men!


  1. Talar, I am lost for words! This was a great representation of how you feel about your favorite flavor of ice cream which is called Phish Food. Although I personally have not tried this flavor, this flavor will be one that I would definitely try because of the way you thoroughly explained Phish Food.

  2. This was honestly an amazingly written post Talar! It had a wonderful vocabulary and a bit of comedy involved which seems perfect for a post about ice cream. I personally have never tried Phish Food and am not much of a chocolate ice cream fan, but your post about it makes me want to try it just to see if it really does meet the high expectations that you have given me for this ice cream.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post, because it included humor, and great details. I have never heard of this flavor, but your description of it made me want to try it. I liked your title and how you connected your blog to a movie. It was creative and descriptive. Great job Talar!

  4. Talar. The way your essay was written was very clear and creative. I enjoyed reading it and learning a lot about you. Good job. I have never tried this flavor and did not even know it existed but I liked the way you described it and would love to try it. I liked your title and picture. It really amused me. Great work!

  5. This ice cream bog was instantly captivating due to the use of humor and the connection to a movie we all know and love. It captured your persona impeccably. It was as though I was immediately able to see the ice cream as both a comfort food and a guilty pleasure treat. I am usually disgusted at the sound of the word "chocolate" but this post made it sound pleasant and attractive!

  6. Talar this blog was amazing! It was fun and entertaining to read and wonderful. While reading it I could hear you talking about this marvelous flavor and making me crave anything involving chocolate. I loved how you had added some points of humor to make reading this even more enjoyable and amusing.
