Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rape or Murder?

'Montana teacher -- initially given 31 days in rape of student -- now gets 10 years'
By Joshua Berlinger and Jack Hannah
Source: CNN News
2007 started off as a normal year for 14-year-old Cherice Moralez. It was her freshman year in high school and she decided to take a business class with Mr.Rambold. Everything went great until she was raped by Rambold. Initially, he was only sentenced to 31 days in prison. But here we are, 7 years later, and this young girl’s family is still awaiting justice. Cherice Moralez committed suicide in 2010 before the case went to trial and before she turned 17. Rambold, now 55 years old, pleaded guilty to sexual intercourse without consent and was sentenced to a 15 years with 31 days suspended by Judge G.Todd Baugh. On Friday, September 26, he was resentenced to 15 years with a 5 year suspension by a different judge. Former Judge Baugh was taken off the case due to intense criticism, because he had placed partial blame on the victim. He claimed that the victim looked older than she was and that she had as much control over the situation as Rambold. Due to his biased and inappropriate comments, along with his doubt on the appearance of justice, he apologized and was replaced. He said, “I am sorry I made those remarks. They focused on the victim when that aspect of the case should have been focused on the defendant”(1).  He states that he will be retiring at the end of the year, but claims it is not related to Rambold’s controversy.
I chose this article because it is important for us to try to understand the amount of pain and grief this family has been put through in the short time span of 3 years; their daughter, not only lost a part of her in a forceful way, but she also had her own blood on her hands. Not only is the injustice of the situation upsetting and heart wrenching, but also the very inappropriate comments of Judge Baugh. No family should ever be placed in a situation such as this one and have to endure the sorrow that comes along with it.

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