Sunday, November 2, 2014

Class of 2035

Congratulations class of 2035!
Highschool for this graduating class will be a breeze; everything will be technologically based, meaning everything will have a shortcut. Teachers will start teaching everything based strictly off technology as well; no books, no written essays/tests. Homework will be turned in through the internet, laptops and iPads will be permitted in the classroom for note-taking, essays and tests, and Kindles or E-readers will be used in the place of textbooks. We already see a glimpse of this with our generation, but by 2035, everything will only be technological.
Students will be reading about how, just 20 years prior is when this technological uphill spiral started. They will be taught about how their generation is so different from prior generations and how it might even be considered harmful that they are so dependent on technology,  yet their teachings will completely be contradicted by the amount of technology they are enforced to use. In my opinion, I feel as though the entire education system 20 years from now will be a complete contradiction upon itself for this reason. I do think they will still be reading books (through electronics of course), but the books they will be told to read will be even more meaningless then the ones we read nowadays. If I were to go forth in time as one of the teachers of that generation, I think the amount of electronics would drive me nuts. I am generally very good with electronics and technology and figuring things out, but Kindles/E-readers are not something I am usually fond of.

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