Sunday, November 9, 2014

Open Your Eyes

I hear the asphalt crunching under my shoes as my shadow follows me with every step I take. My skin welcomes the sun’s heat as I stroll down the steep hill. After several minutes of walking, I reach my destination. The warm and light breeze result in a sudden shiver, causing goose bumps to rise against my arms and the back of my neck.  The beautiful view I am looking at does not allow me to look away. The short, wet grass brushes against my legs as I stride toward the big rocks placed all around the park. I sit down on the somewhat uncomfortable rock and look into the distance. I smell a faint smell of a Sunday barbeque being cooked somewhere around the neighborhood. The trees in sight all slightly sway to the light breeze; leaves that are slowly changing color litter the park’s grass. The thing that catches my eye the most is the gorgeous sun setting in between the tall trees. The sky looks as if it is painted; going from a light blue, to a bright pinkish red and a yellowish orange. I sit and do nothing but stare. A few dogs run around the park chasing tennis balls and Frisbees. Their owners mingle, laugh loudly, and seem familiar with one another.

The smell of the fresh, crisp air reminds me that my favorite season, autumn, is near. The colorful leaves and “ombred” sky give me a confusing and unknown feeling of happiness and nostalgia. Watching the sun set from this park has always been the perfect escape for me; it gives me a chance to be alone with my own thoughts and also enjoy a snippet of the beautiful world we live in. Every time I walk to this park, “breathe in” my surroundings, I realize that we take this world for granted. We litter and pollute and abuse the Earth, when all it does is show us true beauty; all we need to do is open our eyes once in a while…


  1. Talar this was such a creative blog post! Your description of the time you spent without any technology was quite descriptive. You described every moment without your phone in a beautiful way. I can agree with you and say that we should not take our lives and Earth for granted. All of it could be swept away from our hands and that is frightening, but that is why now we take time to think of everything wonderful. Sometimes we need to be free from it all and just breathe in. Keep it up with these blog posts!

  2. Amazing post Talar! Your descriptions were wonderful and extremely detailed. I feel like I was in this park with you. Yes, we do take this world for granted, but it is incredible that we have moments like this to help us realize it. We have to always continue on this path as transcendentalists to prosper and actually take in the world around us for what it is.

  3. This post was insightful, well-written and used impeccable grammar. I enjoyed reading your post to the point where I was hoping to be able to read more. the details were wonderful and perfectly placed. I completely agree with you on that last point, we really need to start respecting and taking care of our community and nature.
