Flapper- a fashionable
young woman from the 1920s intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional
standards of behavior.
Women in 2015 have
changed drastically since the 1920s. “Flappers” were basically the rule
breakers of the time period; they would smoke, although smoking was not found ‘attractive’
on women and was not considered ‘lady like’; they would dance along to fun,
upbeat songs and drink alcohol; and they would dress out of the norm for the
time. Their style basically consisted of loose, eye-catching dresses that
reached mid-calf or to their knees and exposed their limbs, short hair, and
bedazzled hats that covered their foreheads. Back then, having a masculine or
manly look was considered attractive, thus the loose dresses. The dresses they
would wear would be loose enough to make it look as if they were flat-chested
and did not have a small waist and hips. Women with bigger busts would bandage
themselves in order to fit in with the look. The typical look of a 12-14 year
old flat-chested and tanned girl today was what was desired by all-aged women
back then. As for the hair; it went from being bobbed, to shingled, then Eton
cropped around 1926-1927. The receding length of the women’s hair was
considered very daring and shocked some older citizens. Cloche hats were meant
to cover women’s foreheads, as foreheads were not considered fashionable in the
1920s. They were also worn to show off that the woman had short hair.
During this time
period, women went against everything that women were supposedly known for;
their long hair, their curves, and their lady-like, elegant qualities. They now
applied a lot of make up in public, instead of excusing themselves to the
powder room and doing so. I feel as though the flappers were trying to get a
point across with their style and actions; they tried to show that even though they
were women, they did not need to abide by the rules set on women by society and
men. They wore and did whatever they wanted and still had fun doing so and they
proved that all the qualities women “should have” been known for were not
Bobbed-shingled-Eton cropped
Source:http://www.fashion-era.com/flapper_fashion_1920s.htm#The Flapper
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